Scenario Planning Small"Service Design is all about making the service you deliver useful, usable, efficient, effective and desirable".  UK Design Council 2010

Service Innovation (service design and strategic thinking) is a new and emerging field that is rapidly changing the way we think about both comercial and non-commercial products and services. When combined with Sustainability Planning, it becomes a powerful tool to transform public and private services that are staid and conventional into dynamic and compelling offerings. Service Innovation has been fostered in cross-disciplinary work that combines methods and tools from a variety of disciplines including Architecture & Design, Business Management, IT, Marketing and Process Engineering. Its purpose, as a design practice, is to provide a holistic service for improving exisiting or creating new services that are desirable for clients, effective for organizations and sustainable in the long term. Working with five key principles, Service Innovation highlights practices that are: User-Centred, Co-Creative, Sequenced in Relations, Evidence based through Visual Guides and Holistic in considering the whole service environment.

At Ideaspeak, we provide Service Innovation Consultancy based upon principles of sustainability, resilience, and the creation of long term value. Our Co-innovation process is Systems Based and fosters the design and development of holistic solutions. 


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